Hybrid Cloud


Leverage the best

Bridge the gaps among Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Managed hosting, and your on premise system to create a cost saving and effective business Hybrid environment for your teams to collaborate by leveraging the best of what you have for agility, stability, performance and scalability. Public Cloud has the advantages of scalability, lower capital expenditure (capex), and reliability. However, the disadvantages are less control over data security and higher operational expenditure (opex). Private Cloud / Managed Hosting has the advantages of security. Your data and applications remain behind your firewall and are accessible only to your enterprise, lower TCO (through lower opex over time), greater control, customization and flexibility. Disadvantages are responsibility and low on-demand scalability. Hybrid cloud gives you the best of both worlds. We can help you to review your current infrastructure and give you the best arrangement to leverage the advantages of both worlds simultaneously.